Here is a list of useful relocation resource links courtesy of
- – Millions of apartments and moving help, too!
- – U.S. cost of living comparisons for 399 U.S. Job Markets. Use this tool for comparing. Use this tool to compare the cost of living between two selected U.S. cities
- – Inclusive of:
- The intelligent Mortgage agent – Unique calculator to identify the best mortgage for you
- Moving companies – Available movers throughout the country
- Realtors Nationwide – Full list of realtors
- Moving Calculator – Get a ballpark figure of what it will cost to move to a new state is just another area of your state.
- Research Location – Information on where you would be relocating to
- Salary calculator – Use this calculator to compare the cost of living in hundreds of cities.
- City details / reports – These reports give you side by side comparisons of 2 cities, living, climate, demographics. Updated quarterly
- The School Information Service – Information on local school districts and child care
- Relocation Wizard – Tell the wizard when you plan to move and where you are moving and you’ll get a custom timeline that will help you with all the details
- Mortgage Qualifier – Use this calculator to determine maximum loan amount for which you qualify, based on standard lenders rules
- Moving Planner
- Mortgage income
- School reports
- Rent vs. buy